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We want to keep you up to date with the latest industry news

Take a look at some of these sources for insight into jobs, employment, the economy and wider economic trends.

Useful sources of business news, economic intelligence and labour market insight

Office for National Statistics

The UK’s largest independent producer of official statistics and the recognised national statistical institute of the UK. Published datasets are available covering; business industry and trade (by sector); economic output Inc. GVA and productivity; employment, the labour market, people and communities.

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Centre for Cities

An Independent non-partisan think tank dedicated to understanding and improving UK City economies. Centre for Cities provide economic data, from population and jobs to housing and transport.

The Centre’s research focuses on the UK’s 63 largest cities and towns, defined as primary urban areas (PUAs). On this part of their website users can access the latest economic data for each of these towns and cities, as well as links to reports and research relevant to those places that the Centre has completed. Users can also explore data, create maps, bar charts, and scatter plots and tables using the interactive city by city data tool.

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Institute for Public Policy Research

IPPR, the Institute for Public Policy Research, aims to influence policy in the present and reinvent progressive politics in the future. Their independent research is wide ranging and covers the economy, work, skills, transport, democracy, the environment, education, energy, migration and healthcare among many other areas.

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Labour Force Survey (LFS)

The survey is a study of the employment circumstances of the UK population. It is the largest household study in the UK and provides the official measures of employment and unemployment.

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Where the work is

This interactive tool enables users to explore demand for particular occupations and the potential salary benefits and likely levels of competition for these positions. The findings can be shown at UK-wide, national and regional levels, along with local enterprise partnership areas and certain city areas.

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Use this site to find data published by central government, local authorities and public bodies.

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This page provides access to research briefings produced by the House of Commons Library, the House of Lords Library and the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST). You can filter the research briefings by date, type, or one of 350 topics including Business, Industry, Economy and Finance, Employment and Skills.

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REC, Recruitment & Employment Confederation, are the professional body for the UK recruitment industry. This page provides access to their independent research covering topics which include UK labour market analysis, Recruitment industry trends, Migration and Brexit, Business advice and Global employment industry data.

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Who we've helped

We are proud to have worked with over 100 local authorities across the UK to help them deliver public sector transformation.

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